
Dedicated Service to our Students, District, and Community

Board of Education
Back Row (Left to Right): Mr. Ray McIntosh, Mr. Darrell DeMotta, Mrs. Shauna Dupee
Front Row (Left to Right): Ms. Carrie Mitchell, Mrs. Deanna Lothrop - President, Mrs. Kathy Gardner - Vice-President
Missing: Ms. Lynn Reichert


Summer 2024 Board Training

July 1, 2024

Dr. Stephen Hampe, PhD:  NYSBBA Board Retreat Adjunct, conducted a training for LCS Board members which consisted of reviewing items such as:

  • Overview of Roles and Responsibilities of Board Members and Superintendent
  • Best Practices in Governance
  • Effective Communication - Sending the Right Message
  • Characteristics of Effective School Boards

These related subject areas included topics such as Board Member responsibilities, functions and unity; communication with community members (sending the right message), BOE members' relationship with the Superintendent, and specific duties of Board members. 

Monthly Board of Education Agenda Meetings

Superintendent Patricia Gibbons and LCS Board of Education President, Mrs. Deanna Lothrop, continue to meet on a monthly basis to review the draft agenda for the upcoming Board of Education meeting. Following these meetings, the Board Clerk will make any recommended revisions to the draft and provide a final agenda for the Board members for their review prior to the Board Meeting.  The Lyme Central School Board of Education scheduled meetings for the 2024-2025 school year, can be found on the LCS website under the BOARD Tab on the homepage.

Policy Committee Meetings

The LCS Board of Education Policy Committee meets on a regular basis throughout the school year. The focus of these meetings is to discuss policies received from policy coordinators of Madison Oneida BOCES, for review and/or presentation to the Board with the recommendation for adoption. These policies are provided to the district as revised and updated policy drafts which may be required due to current changes in NYS Regulation, or by ongoing review of the district's existing policies which may need revisions due to outdated or irrelevant materials in regard to the daily operations of the district. As draft policies, either new or revised, are received from the policy coordinators, the Policy Committee members will convene to review them and make recommendations to the Board as deemed necessary and appropriate. 

October 29, 2024

Jefferson-Lewis BOCES Annual Fall Dinner

Superintendent Gibbons along with several member of the LCS Board of Education attended the 2024-25 Jefferson-Lewis BOCES Annual Fall Dinner. Guest speaker for the event was Regent Patrick Mannion.

2025 New York State School Boards Association Annual Convention and Education Expo

Details will be provided as they become available