Public Participation Information
Meeting Information
Lyme Central School Board of Education meetings are scheduled on the second Thursday of each month (unless otherwise noted), at 6:00 PM in the school library. The meeting dates cane be found here.
The public is welcome and encouraged to attend. However, for safety and security purposes, all district external doors remain locked at all times. If you are planning to attend a BOE meeting, there will be a staff member located in the welcome center from 5:45 – 6:10 PM to open the doors for public admittance. If you are arriving later than 6:10 PM, please contact the district office at 315-649-2417 prior to the meeting date, to make other arrangements for entry into the building for the meeting.
Thank you for your cooperation and continued support of Lyme Central School.
Public Comments
Requests to publically address the Board of Education must be submitted to the District Clerk at least two days prior to the next Board of Education meeting. Otherwise, the topic of discussion may be moved to the next regular monthly meeting, at the discretion of the Board President.
A copy of the public comment statement form is available below.
- Each month our agenda includes an item called Public Comments
- As President of the Lyme Central Board of Education, I am pleased to welcome community and staff members to our meeting.
- The Board is very interested in hearing public comment, as our role is to represent the citizens of the school district. Therefore, I request the following:
- Regarding school related issues, every effort should have been previously made to settle the issue through the administration, based on established Board policy or administrative procedure.
- Remarks should be brief, limited to five (5) minutes and pertinent to the subject area
- Understanding that you should limit comments to your concerns with your child. No comments should be made about other students or any Lyme Central staff member during your comments.
- Reminder – please do not use any names of Lyme Central School District personnel or individual students’ names during your comments.
- Your comments are important to us. The Board and/or administration will not respond to personal comments or questions during this meeting. Comments, and/or questions, may be submitted in writing to the board clerk. Following review by the Board of Education and Administration, a response will be provided by the Superintendent, prior to the next regular Board of Education meeting.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.