Universal Pre-K

Lyme Central School Pre-K Registration for 2025-2026
Lyme Central School is now accepting registration through February 28, 2025 for incoming full day Pre-K students for 2025-2026. The student must be 4 years old on or before December 1, 2025. Students and parents / guardians must be residents of the district.
Our program is limited to 18 students. Please call the counseling office at 315-649-2417, option 2, or email tkimmis@lymecsd.org to receive registration documents for the 2025-2026 school year. If more than 18 students are officially registered* at the end of the day on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, all candidates will enter a lottery and the first 18 drawn are those chosen to participate. If 18 or less officially register, all candidates can participate from the start. A waiting list is established if we exceed the maximum of 18 students after the registration date. Transportation is provided for the full day Pre-K program.
The deadline for the lottery drawing is February 28, 2025. Parents will be notified of the status of their student by mail.
Your help in alerting other families to Pre-K registration information is appreciated!
All forms must be correctly & completely filled out out by Parent/Guardian. The forms are available on the website and from the school counseling office. You may request to pick up registration documents at the Lyme Central School Welcome Center starting on Monday, January 6 during regular business hours (8:00 am - 3:30 pm). If you would like to pick up a packet, please call Mrs. Kimmis at 315-649-2417, ext. 216.
Mail in registration
Complete all registration forms and provide all required documentation. Mail all registration documents to:
Lyme Central School
c/o Tina Kimmis
PO Box 219
Chaumont, NY 13622
All forms must be postmarked by February 28th.
Drop off
All completed documents for review byLyme Central School can be deposited in the drop box located outside the Welcome Center from January 6–February 28th, 2025.
The forms and required documentation are below.
*To officially register, the completed packet must contain the Student Registration Form, Birth Certificate, Home Language Questionnaire, McKinney Vento Housing Questionnaire, Proof of Residency, Immunizations and Custody / Guardianship papers (if applicable). Your child will not be officially registered and will be unable to attend without proof of birth and immunizations records.